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Stephen Wolfram about time and entropy

  • Published: 2024-01-30 00:05
  • Updated: 2024-02-18 21:39

“What is time?”

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  • Quote: “Time is the inexorable (inevitable) progress of computation.”
    • 🤔Time as progression using the current iteration of a systems' state as input, to compute the next incremental state as output…is a satisfactory way of framing it
      • Because: Feedback loop
  • Quote: “If we think about things in the world, as being governed by rules, then what happens in the course of time, is those rules get applied. The thing that changes through time, is that we’ve applied these rules more, and more, and more times.

Found this whilst…

  • Checking my YouTube home with an open mind

Interest gauged by:

  • “Proof of…thermodynamics”
    • Because of how entropy relates to music production and synthesis (noise + entropy)
      • More specifically noise generators
      • Behavior of analog/physical hardware/systems
  • My conviction that music software/plugins would benefit from more entropic/irreversible noise and random function generators
  • 🚅 Me perceiving everything as connected:
    • As interlinked system of systems
      • All sharing the same set of first principles
        • ❓A framing I prefer over rules, because it encourages a more ‘natural’ approach to think about systems?