What does it mean to be human?
- Published: 2023-08-03 12:16
- Updated: 2023-08-03 12:16
If I had found a satisfying answer by now, you’d probably read a book instead of my thoughts and observations in this form.
“To err is human.“, it is said.
Maybe we’re simply stuck in a seemingly inevitable loop:
- to be irritated
- to be sure
- to think too much
- to feel too little
- to talk too much
- to not find suitable words
- to use digital judgement
- to hopefully learn being less like a well functioning computer
- and more human in the end.
To exist on the scales - of understanding to misunderstanding - freedom of judgement and judgement - bliss and pain all at once, at the same time.
Wisdom doesn’t only acknowledge, but embraces the paradox. That freedom of judgement is a form of judgement. That bliss can only exist next to pain. The inevitable misunderstanding within understanding.