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Extending 'new' Buzz

  • Published: 2023-03-31 18:34


Stick with the default theme, or for a dark theme: use Mire extended - Mire extended - wde's machines are compatible with this

wde’s Modern Sequence Editor

MSE is a library extending Buzz’ arrangement view, adding new graphical elements for developers to use in their machines.

ModernSeq3 Example, using wde’s own machines.

Download and further info here.

New machines

These vastly extend the basic functionality of new Buzz. And cross a lot of missing gaps from the wish-list.

wde Connection Mixer Console

  • Meta mixing console
  • Uses existing connections

wde EnvBlock

  • Free's automation from pattern data
  • Enables drawing automation lines and curves

wde AudioBlock

  • Enables arrangement of audio data in the pattern view

wde SpectrumBlock

  • Display frequency spectrum in the pattern view

wde YittenMongoose

  • Extends Jeskola Live (Ableton Live-like pattern launcher)

Snowglobe Snowmachines

Combined forum thread for further information

  • ChannelSurfer
  • ScaleSnapper
  • ScaleWalker
  • TargetPractice
    • Info follows