Markdown in a minute
- Published: 2024-02-13 09:56
- Updated: 2024-02-13 11:12
For those, who didn't wrap their heads around the benefits of Markdown, and/or perceive it as a learning obstacle:
Think about Markdown as highly compatible, transferable and future-proof HTML pre-processor. Built into your favorite text-, or code editor. To me, it’s a
- ⭐Gargantuan time-saver for
- 📝 Writing and editing anything published online.
- Natively supported by Wordpress, GDocs, Github, Discord..
- Document converters like Pandoc
For example Wordpress’ editor…
...can convert any pasted markdown element into corresponding, native Gutenberg blocks—on the fly. Saving a lot of tedious clicks. Especially with longform content.
That should be a minute, yes.😅 For the curious:
What basic Markdown looks like¶
# This is a 1st-level heading
Normal text after a line-break is a paragraph.
An empty line creates a new paragraph.
## That's a 2nd-level heading
- Unordered lists
- are supported
1. Just like
2. Ordered ones
1. Tabbed nesting: check
### 3rd-level heading
The basic syntax includes inline formatting of *italic*, **bold**, `code` and [links](http://linked.url)..
> As well as blockquotes,
![images w/ alt text](image.jpg)
--- and horizontal rules
Mind you: as a syntax showcase, it looks weird. Contrarily—in use of a normal document’ flow, it adds transparency to its structure.
Furthermore, most text/code editors either feature a WYSIWYG markdown mode. Or are capable of sporting it via plugins. Rendering tags as you type, resulting in a focused writing experience.
If you’re missing tags above, most editors support the extended Markdown syntax. Including:
- Tables
- Fenced code blocks
- Footnotes
- Definition and task lists
- Emoji
- Highlights
- Sub- and superscripts
And more, depending on markdown flavor support.