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Understanding depth & space

  • Published: 2023-03-27 19:02
  • Updated: 2023-03-27 19:04

You implicitly already understand how depth and space works—let’s make it visually explicit:

  1. Depth is a perceptive function of space
  2. It separates what we perceive as upfront from what we perceive as background:
    1. Foreground: highest perceived level of detail
    2. Background: lowest perceived level of detail

Further observations:

  • The lens upfront contains an unfiltered range of contrast and detail (clarity)
    • You can identify the letters as letters, despite being ML gibberish
    • Group them as part of the lens, not the camera body
      • Which has more information than the background, therefor must be closer
  • The background is composed of bandpassed and diffused range of information (blur)
    • It’s an almost inseparable mush of ground, streets lights and reflections
    • Yet, the bright street lights appear closer to the camera
      • And that there’s probably something behind them

To put this into the context of sound-design and mixing

  1. A great sense of depth and space requires contrasting separation from the clarity upfront
    • 💡 If the frontstage of your mix lacks clarity in itself, the more challenging it becomes to create depth
    • 💡 Levels and filters are the most important tools for reducing information, to separate the front of a soundstage from the back
    • 💡 Diffusion (eg reverbs) without filtering
    • 💡 Depth does not equal width